Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Yep that's right! I'm losing my hair! No, not actually balding, just a severe case of postpartum hair loss. My hair started falling out right around Leah's fourth month (exact same time with Nate as well). It is constantly falling out and chunks of it come out when I am washing my hair. Nucky! Our vacuum and drains are working overtime these days. I thank my lucky stars that God blessed me with a lions mane because I would be pulling a Britney Spears (pre-psych ward) .

P.S. I think Britney pulls off the whole bald crazy look better. Especially since my bald head is blending into the background. Sorry, that's the best I can do with Photoshop at this point. :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You look like an old woman with a grey perm. lmao
