Friday, March 12, 2010

It's been too long..

I seem to be getting worse and worse at keeping up with my blog. No excuses this time.....I've just been lazy, because I make time to window shop online everyday....yet somehow I never get around to updating my blog. I haven't had alot of interesting stories to share and I've felt far from we are.

February was pretty low key except for are super fun trip to Texas (Devenny Fix). We had a blast and the kids got along so well. In fact, Nate and Parker are quite the duo...DOUBLE TROUBLE!!!!! I can't tell you how many times I walked into a room to see Nate/Parker flying in mid air off some piece of furniture/electronic. YIKES!!! The girls got along well and Leah had to step up her game to try and keep up with her super agile cousin, Eden. Good times!!!

It was so much fun having all the kids together and Ty and I of course enjoyed our visit with Jess & Mike. Hanging out with them is so easy....our days consist of working out, kids, eating, and the occasional shopping adventure. What more can I ask for?! :)

Like I said before..February was kind of a bore besides our trip. I don't have many pictures to post, however, I did get a video of all the kids interacting. If you do decide to tune in then I should warn you that this video may make you a little dizzy. Oh and you might want to turn the volume down because I'm doing the narratting, which means it's LOUD!!!!!


  1. OMG!!! I felt like I was right there with y'all! So much fun!! But I have to admit Laura, I'm a little dizzy after watching that one! ;) Loved every minute of it!!!

  2. WOW, I need to get some new moves PRONTO! LOL Miss you guys. :( Come back!!!! *sobs*

  3. fun!!! loved watching that. glad i was on kevin's laptop so that i could pick it up and turn it sideways to watch :)
