The other day I was outside sweeping when I came across two ticked off lizards. At first I thought they were going to attack me, but I soon realized I wasn't the cause for all the commotion (apparently they aren't into blondes!). They were fighting over some lady lizard. She must have been quite a catch because these two lizards were in a all out brawl!!!!!
The would chase eachother from bush to bush....up the column....bite one another....and hiss!!!!! Bizarre!!!
Here we have the winner!!!! The other lizard soon took off because he couldn't handle his heavyweight opponent. "Victorious"!
A few of the spectators..
....and that's my documentation of the "Lizards Love Quarrel". In case any of ya'll were wondering what I do in my spare time. Spare time meaning that my two kids are napping at the same time, which happens as often as a lunar eclipse!!!!!
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