Saturday, February 12, 2011


Well the tables have turned in regards to my kids behavior. Nate came into this world with a fiery passion for life which could sometimes be confused with him behaving like a wild animal (primate of some sort). Leah entered life very laid back and easy-going (except for those months of h*ll during colic)....totally chill.
Wow! Thing have definitely changed. Nate is sooooo easy...listening, behaving, helping....I could go on and on. Leah on the other hand has turned into a full on DIVA. She is extremely independent and it makes life very difficult especially when are trying to be on time for school, church, doctors appointments, etc. Now I know that their ages are a huge determinate of their behavior (Nate is almost 5 and Leah is almost 2 1/2), but I'm just saying. This entry may sound like I'm complaining, because I am....remember the title of my blog. :) Anyhow, I will look back at this point in my life and get a good laugh.

Primate Nate

Miss Independent
(That face makes it really hard for me to stay frustrated.)
BTW- Life lately is great!!!!


  1. it's totally the age! P-Donculuous has become my little angel and NoNo has now become the devil...there's something that happens when they turn 3, it's like you've lost your child to the dark side, but by the time they turn 5...all better...

  2. LOL! The dark side....sooooo true!!!
